Saturday, April 10, 2010


A made Hanuman Statue at Jatashankar.
A made Hanuman statue at jattashankar.

Pet rats of a swamiji at jatashankar.

A floting stone which was brought from knayakumari by the swamiji.

A whight grinet Ganesh murthy at jatashankar.

A imprission of a tiger face on hill rock.

Jatashankar Trishule.

Parvathi devi statue at jatashankar.

A big hilly stone which strcked between two hills.

Swayambue ling statues formed naturaly.

Naturaly formed ling of jatashankar.(swayambhu)

Naturaly formed nagashesha on swayambhu ling.

Naturaly formed crocadile shape at in side temple.

A naturaly formed impresion of shesha nag mouth at the entrance of the jatashankar.

Naturaly formedLord ganesh face on a hill rock.

Naturaly formed Lord hanuman face on hill.

A shilpi made Lord siva parvathi murthi on hill rock.

A naturly formed Nandi on hill top at jatashankar.

A Naturaly formed side face of Lord Ganesh .

JATASHANKAR This place is located about 1.5 km away from city,it requires a trekking of half a kilometre downwards from the road end. It presents a natural,rock structure of sheshnag(the holy idol),which really attracts us.

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